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Ofelia Meyer

Ofelia Meyer Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blonde Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , IT

AKA: Ofelia Meier

Top Ofelia Meyer Scenes


Italian eyeful Ofelia Meyer had an all too brief skinematic career for such an amazing aristocratic beauty. She first appeared in Deported Women of the SS Special Section (1976), and then landed supporting roles in Hotel Locarno (1978) and Ring of Darkness (1979). She really caught Mr. Skin’s eye in Contraband (1980), which featured her pulling a hidden capsule out of a crotch forest so thick we’re surprised she was able to find it again. She only made one more appearance in Liebeskonzil (1982) before leaving the showbiz scene, but we can always savor the footage of Ofelia O-feelin’ herself!