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Gabriela Alves

Gabriela Alves Nude

Great Nudity!

Keywords: Great Nudity!, Brunette Hair, Medium Breasts, Real Breasts, Average Body

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR

Date of Birth: 01/01/72

1 Blog Post for this celebrity

Top Gabriela Alves Scenes

Story of O, the Series Nude, breasts, butt, bush Ep. 01x06 Shadowy lesbian scene in a bedroom with Claudia Cepeda. Both show boos, muff and rump. Gabriela is the shorter one and enters the scene from the right. (1 min 4 secs)
Story of O, the Series Nude, breasts, butt Ep. 01x06 Partial ass and left breast as she lays in bed following sex with Claudia Cepeda, who massages her seat. (47 secs)
Story of O, the Series Nude, breasts Ep. 01x10 Lesbian scene, Tits as Claudia Cepeda sucks on them. (47 secs)
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Gorgeous Gabriela Alves was born on January 1st in Rio de Janeiro. If that doesn’t scream “Party Girl,” we don’t know what will. Indeed, the Brazilian beauty has been known to kick up her heels and kick off her clothes on camera. As the daughter of actress Tânia Alves and plastic artist Juan Toulier, Gabriela seemed destined for fame. As such, the exotic babe made her boob tube debut as a child on Sítio do Picapau Amarelo (1977). Once she grew up and out, Gabby guest-starred on the telenovelas Despedida de Solteiro (1992), Secrets of Sand (1993), Tropicaliente (1994), and Tocaia Grande (1995). The pretty performer proceeded to pop up on Salsa e Merengue (1996), Estrela de Fogo (1998), and Marisol (2002). Through the years, Ms. Alves could be seen on several shows (Mulheres de Areia, Vidas Cruzadas), though the last time we saw her was on the small screen series Amor e Revolução (2011). Of course, Mr. Skin was most turned on by Gabriela’s titillating turn on Story of O, the Series (1992). Based on the classic S&M novel, the sexy Spanish saga stars Claudia Cepeda. Yet the true scene stealers are the three nude Bs on Ms. Alves. Yes, the skinternational starlet struts her stuff in the buff! If that’s not hot enough, the brunette hottie also engages in sapphic action with the drama’s naked leading lady to prove lez is more! In other words, Gabby reveals her bare butt, bush and breasts as well as her lesbian preferences. Gracias!

TV Shows

Despedida de Solteiro - as Salete

Estrela de Fogo - as Erica

Marisol - as Sulema

Mulheres de Areia - as Glorinha

Salsa e Merengue - as Assunção

Sítio do Picapau Amarelo - as Anjinho de asa quebrada

Nude, breasts Ep. 01x10 Lesbian scene, Tits as Claudia Cepeda sucks on them. (47 secs)
Nude, breasts, butt Ep. 01x06 Partial ass and left breast as she lays in bed following sex with Claudia Cepeda, who massages her seat. (47 secs)
Nude, breasts Ep. 01x09 Hot, wet lesbo makeout in the shower. Gabriela Alves shows her larger boobs while and Claudia Cepeda bares her more petit pair as they kiss and grope. (1 min)
Nude, breasts, butt, bush Ep. 01x06 Shadowy lesbian scene in a bedroom with Claudia Cepeda. Both show boos, muff and rump. Gabriela is the shorter one and enters the scene from the right. (1 min 4 secs)

Tocaia Grande - as Sacramento

Tropicaliente - as Pitanga

Vidas Cruzadas - as Josefa

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