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Crazy 2 Crazy

Crazy 2 Crazy (2021)

Brief Nudity


Eugene (Mark Ashworth) fancies himself a psychopath, living in a fleabag motel and panhandling to pay for his numerous vices and addictions. However, when he crosses paths with Mary (Marla Malcolm), a real estate agent who seemingly has it all, Eugene decides to make his move and seduce her with the intention of bleeding her dry and eventually murdering her. The twist of the indie comedy Crazy 2 Crazy (2021), however, is that Eugene has no idea that Mary and her family are substantially more insane than he is and have similar designs on making him their latest victim! While Marla Malcolm has certainly done better nude scenes than she does here, a brief glimpse of her left breast, along with some incredible cleavage means that you'd have to be Crazy to pass up this flick!