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Posts about Friday the 13th

SKINcoming DVDs for November 4, 2008
SKINcoming DVDs for November 4, 2008

Each Tuesday, be sure to check in with Mr. Skin to get the complete skinny right here on the... read more >>

A Cure for Paraskavedekatriaphobia

The first and only Friday the 13th of 2008 is now upon us and millions of people around the world... read more >>

Christa Faust: The Mr. Skin Interview

Adult film experts know that a "money shot" describes when a male actor showers his love on his... read more >>

Peter Bracke: The Mr. Skin Interview


Marilyn Chambers: The Mr. Skin Interview


Freaky Friday

By Peter Landau
Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? Not Paramount, which has just released a... read more >>